Return America to Greatness

America's destiny depends on the advocacy of its citizenry to defend and promote the ideals that made America the greatest nation in history. American Encore is dedicated to helping our nation and its leaders rise to the test and to confront these challenges. We will defend freedom; promote free markets; work to expand economic opportunity and make the case for the American ideals of liberty and democracy, both at home and abroad.

By: Patrick Hedger-Policy Director, American Encore Last week, I posted a quick blog warning state-level politicians , especially in the GOP, from touting falling unemployment rates in their states as a measure of success. Usually falling unemployment rates are a good thing, however the recent...
After massive public outcry, the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) has decided not to pursue proposed regulations of political activity, including speech, on the internet. The FEC, currently controlled by Democrats and chaired by Commissioner Ann Ravel, had begun the rule making process for...
The Unemployment Rate
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore Most of the state governments in the US are now under GOP control, with Republicans both in the governors' mansions and holding the gavels in the various legislative chambers across the country. This is great news and it bodes well for the health...
Today American Encore is announcing its membership in a coalition of 56 leading national conservative groups against the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. The Ex-Im Bank is a New Deal-era policy that is simply another avenue for the federal government to pick winners...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore The Death Tax imposes a 40 percent tax on all the assets of a person upon their death. This is not a cash tax. It taxes the property and businesses someone has built throughout their entire life. Thus, this policy ends up destroying small...
Our tax code is over 70,000 pages long. The high tax rates Washington imposes on personal and corporate income are self-defeating, raising less revenue and destroying economic opportunity. Meanwhile, Congress carves out special exemptions for the rich and powerful. History shows that lower and...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore An excerpt from the book Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session. Click here to message your Senator and demand they Kill the Death Tax. Most are familiar with some variation of the phrase, “There are only two certainties in...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore Excerpt from Blueprint for 2015: Setting the Stage for the Next Session The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a federal government mandate designed to incorporate an increasing amount of fuels derived from non-fossil fuels sources, primarily...
By: Patrick Hedger, Policy Director-American Encore The complaint that Congress “does nothing” or reports claiming the previous Congress was “the least productive in history” are somewhat annoying. Supposedly seasoned politicos like to make this point as if they are offering something insightful...


It's Time for an American Encore